LS17 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

LS17 1 is a postcode sector in Leeds, UK. Below is a complete list of LS17 1 Postcodes (Active). LS17 1 postcode sector comprises of 21 active postcodes. LS17 1 sector has a population of 0, and it has 0 properties in the region.

Browse Information On LS17 1 postcode sector

LS17 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 0
Addresses / Property Count 0
Active Postcodes 21
Nearby Postcode Districts 31
Nearby Postcode Sectors 6

View Map Of LS17 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-21 of 21 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
LS17 1BS 53.85133000 -1.53368900 N/A N/A 430774 439556
LS17 1EW 53.85133000 -1.53368900 N/A N/A 430774 439556
LS17 1JE 53.85131400 -1.53368400 N/A N/A 430774 439554
LS17 1JG 53.85131400 -1.53368400 N/A N/A 430774 439554
LS17 1JH 53.85131400 -1.53368400 N/A N/A 430774 439554
LS17 1JT 53.85133000 -1.53368900 N/A N/A 430774 439556
LS17 1JZ 53.85133000 -1.53368900 N/A N/A 430774 439556
LS17 1LD 53.85133000 -1.53368900 N/A N/A 430774 439556
LS17 1LF 53.85133000 -1.53368900 N/A N/A 430774 439556
LS17 1LL 53.85133000 -1.53368900 N/A N/A 430774 439556
LS17 1LR 53.85133000 -1.53368900 N/A N/A 430774 439556
LS17 1LS 53.85133000 -1.53368900 N/A N/A 430774 439556
LS17 1LY 53.85133000 -1.53368900 N/A N/A 430774 439556
LS17 1LZ 53.85133000 -1.53368900 N/A N/A 430774 439556
LS17 1ND 53.85133000 -1.53368900 N/A N/A 430774 439556
LS17 1NN 53.85133000 -1.53368900 N/A N/A 430774 439556
LS17 1NP 53.85133000 -1.53368900 N/A N/A 430774 439556
LS17 1NS 53.85133000 -1.53368900 N/A N/A 430774 439556
LS17 1NT 53.85133000 -1.53368900 N/A N/A 430774 439556
LS17 1NY 53.85133000 -1.53368900 N/A N/A 430774 439556
LS17 1PA 53.85133000 -1.53368900 N/A N/A 430774 439556
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